Monday, January 25, 2010

my father

when i was 4 years old,my father has lost both of his two hands,13 years later ,he has left me forever,i don't known how to do with it,i have never say "i love you "to my father,but i really love you,miss you very much,i always stares at you photoes and burst into tears,no one could known me,my roommates always felt that i was stange,every summer vacation or winter vacation,i always want find a job in the city where i studied in,they could not understand why i am not homesick,to be honest,i do want to go home,i miss my familly,expetially my father, for me ,my best wish was my familly could gather together ,i wish my father could relive,i want to see you,dad miss you very much,without you,i could not manage myself very well,under your protection ,i felt very safe,but now i have to fave everything by myself,wheather its good or bad,i felt tired,i want someone to protect me ,i want t6 have a rest,i do felt very tired,everything has changed after you left us. father miss you very much.i want to tell the world that father i love you,

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